To The Duke

To The Duke

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where Did All the Cowboys Go?

Tom HornPawnee BillTexas JackFrank EatonDeadwood DickBill DoolinConnie Douglas Reeves

Here's a row of faces than I'm sure most of you have not seen before. Some of them are good cowboys, some not so good. But is this what a cowboy looks like today? I don't think so. Here are the people I consider cowboys now.

Brett Cogburn
Dusty Richards

John Nesbitt

Jory Sherman

Johnny Boggs
Each of these men has lived as a cowboy, but their most important contribution to that name is that they write about cowboys. They keep the legend and myth alive with their prose. Cactus Country proudly published an anthology in the fall of 2011 and had a story in the book from each of these writers. Those stories, and thousands of stories like them, are what will keep the cowboy alive. And if you want to find out what names go with the faces of the row of cowboys I have at the first of this post, here is a link to a site that is loaded with information about the cowboys of our history.