Hey, this could be a western horror story. Double dog dare ya to write one. Go to www.ozarkcreativewriters.blogspot for information.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
It's Time to Get Scary!
We can't wait until next year to challenge you to a Halloween contest. We need us some spooky stories. Write a short story up to 3,000 words. It doesn't have to be about Halloween but it has to be horror. It has to be scary. I mean really scary, because we don't scare easily and if you can make us cringe and cover our heads you will be the winner. No graphic anything. It's unclear when writers started thinking horror has to be a blood fest like Texas Chain Saw Massacre. It doesn't. True horror is usually very PG. We're not saying you have to be totally unbloody. A zombie beheading once in a while might be necessary. But you know what we mean. Now get to writing. The winner will receive a buffet breakfast at the famous, and very haunted Crescent Hotel.
Deadline October 31, 2016. Send entries as an attachment toozarkcreativewriters1@gmail.com Put Halloween Contest in the subject line. You will be notified if you are a winner by November 15th.
Just thought we'd share a few scary images to get your going. Or maybe these will keep you up at night...that's a perfect time to write horror.